Saturday, July 25, 2009

...First Week...

Second day attend in this class, there's nothing much we've learned during class of IT Entrepreneurship, just explained to us about the activities and projects that need to be accomplished throughout this semester. As a source of inspiration to all of us, she had shown us a video by the previous students which is very horrible. However, our lecture divided 1 group must have 10 members, but we still short 3 members to supply desire our lecture.

Hopefully, by the end of this week, we would be able to find another 3 members, since we'll be overloaded with assignments and projects. During this course, we may involve in a lot of group projects, which means co-operation is the core aspect that need to be focused on. However, hope we will enjoy this subject and what we will get from this will be very useful for our future.

Guy Kawasaki

First attend class it entrepreneur, I was feel excited and happy because I can know how to easy make and get the money. In class, our lecture had showed us a very meaningful video clip by Guy Kawasaki. We all watch the video maybe two minute, but the clip really change my mind serta merta and I can know how important meaning to making money. However, after I watching the video, I still remember his word “If you make meaning, you probably make money, but if you set up to make money, you probably won’t make meaning and then you won’t make money”. So that makes a lot of money is not everything. But, have more meaning to get the money is very important thing to do.

However, from Kawasaki speech, I got 3 important key makes meaning and how to start a great company or one organization:-

1. Increase the quality of life

2. Right a wrong

3. Prevent the end of something good

As we know, to start a great company or organization is too difficult. First thing is increase the quality of life. Second thing is right a wrong. That’s mean we fix something wrong like crime, pollution and etc. And the last thing, prevent the end of something good. Means that, everybody would agree with this because no one would hesitate to do something that can change their life much better.

As a conclusion, money and meaning is important thing because both of them are related get meaning to make the money.

How to use Good Grammar in Spoken and Written Academic Text

By: Dr. Siti Jamilah Bidin

The second workshop, at same place PSB Auditorium hall, by Dr. Siti Jamilah Bidin was about How to Use Good Grammar in Spoken and Written Academic Text. The workshops were very interesting indeed, because it’s can tell me how to write be a good writing. So that, goal of this workshop can to increase awareness of differences between involved and informational discourse.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Workshop Presentation Skill

By: Dr. Ahmad Affendi Shabdin

Applied Linguistics Programme College of Art and Sciences


Last week I had to joined workshop organized by Dr. Affendi Shabdin at PSB Auditorium Hall, Sultanah Bahiyah Library and we all focused about presentation skill. This workshop, I got many advantage and skill how to disappear our nervous and lost my confidence since give the performance or our presentation. Besides that, it’s can to change their attitude about some object and to inform listeners, that means, it can to increase their understanding of the topic but do not want to change their opinion. However, during the educational process, we will not only need to write a lot of research paper and report, but also need to present our own ideas to the audience.